Bakti Desa (Bakdes)
Hello Guys! Welcome back to my blog! How's your day? Can you guess what I want to share with you right now? Yeah, that's right Bakti Desa. But have you known about this one? Alright, let's read!
Bakti Desa or Bakdes is one of the activities in my school. As the name suggests, this activity aims to make students have good character and can be useful people and also become an independent person.
This activity aims to make students know about life in the village instance social life, food, job, habit, house, and environment. We were lived about 3 days, each class has 3-4 groups and each group has 4 members. And each group live in a different family.
In there, our food was cooking by the family and we slept and took a bath in their house. The house in this village makes me sad because this house is lack facilities, the bad thing is the irrigation system. Can you imagine when you need some water you should take it at the well? We are living in 21st Century guys, our century is very modern, in Jakarta, Bandung, the people who live in big city water is effortless to get but how about our family I village, they are our family too, we live in the same country.
Okay, so did you know the toilet has a multi-function in this village? Such as to wash the dishes, wash the shirt, and in my family's house the toilet and a place to cook rice are integrated. Oh, This thing makes me wonder about this life, is it a modern century? is it a technology age? I guess no.
And also I would like to share with you about the activity in that village. In here we must sholat jamaah because that village has a lot of mosques, but we have a good thing to discuss in here. In front of the mosque has a place for washing our feet, and you know what? The people in here wash their feet and wudhu in there! OH MY LORD! I was speechless when I saw that moment, Until know I don't know what and how they can think like that? Oh, this habit must be stopped, but I don't know how to make it stop.

Okay next, In the morning we were working with our father in our family, each father has a different job, such as farmer, cattleman, and trader. So you should follow what's your father job. I was a farmer, yeah, you have known the reason. So in the morning, I went to the fields, it's a beautiful place actually. Let's take a look!
In there we ate traditional food and it was great. In the afternoon we can be traveling around this village when maghrib we should read the Qur'an and sholat in the mosque. But you have to know this information, the temperature can drop to 15 Celcius during the night, it was freezing.
But the sky, oh the sky in that village is so clean so can see thousands of stars. Let's take look!

And this activity was closing by the trip to Citarum river and that was amazing.
That's from me guys, see you again!
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